Diamond - bearing, meanig and usage of a popular gemstone
Diamond brings clarity and structure in life. New impressions and experiences can be quickly brought in connection with what is already known, so that we are able to make responsible, clear decisions and useless things let go. With its help, we can see larger connections, fathom the causes of problems, and assess the consequences of our actions or inactions. At the end of the year, the Diamond brings us clear insight into our own situation. - from this insight we can move forward.
Mineralogical Profile Diamond
Chemical formula: C (carbon)
Mineral class: natural elements
Evolution: Diamonds are formed in the depths of the earth by the transformation of carbon at high pressure and high temperatures. Through volcanic eruptions, the rock comes to the earth's surface, when the rising lava chunks of the deep rock with it. From this lava-rock mixture of the volcanic vent, rocks with finely distributed Diamonds are subsequently formed. Only if all boundary conditions fit and the carbon rare in the depth of the earth is present, a Diamond can develop.
Color: clear, white, blue, green, yellow, pink
Gloss: diamond gloss, raw also Glass to grease gloss
Crystal system: cubic
Moh hardness:10
Cleavability: perfect
Localities, main supplying countries: Australia, Siberia, South Africa, Brazil, Congo
Appearance: small cubic or octahedral crystals or late to granular aggregates
Use: Diamond is a gemstone sought after as jewelry or investment. In industry, diamond is also used as a drilling and abrasive material. Gemstone astrology knows the Diamond as a mineral that virtue and character of the Capricorn-born. strengthens.
Availability: good
Origin of the name Diamond
The name Diamond comes from the Greek word "adamas", which means impregnable or unconquerable. This attribute refers to the tremendous hardness of Diamond. With hardness 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, it is the hardest natural material ever.
Confusion and distinction of Diamonds
Diamond can basically be confused with clear Rock Crystal (hardness 7), with Glass (hardness 5 - 5.5) or Zirconia (hardness 6.5 - 7.5). With cut stones, the distinction is often only possible by gemological examination.
Use of Diamond
Diamond is a precious stone sought after as jewelry or an investment. It is also used in industry as a drilling and abrasive material.

Historical aspects of Diamonds
Application of diamonds in gemstone healing
Diamond promotes clarity, order and logical thinking. It strengthens willpower, vital energy and supports mental freedom and self-determination. Diamond helps to gain control over one's own life; strength of character and the Loyalty to oneself are promoted, crises are better managed and the causes of problems can be seen through more easily.