Infos pays Luxembourg / Country Information Luxembourg
Livraison hors taxe en Luxembourg
L'expédition vers le Luxembourg s'effectue sans TVA si nous disposons d'un numéro de TVA valide (No. TVA / BTW-Nr.). Sinon, nous devons facturer 19% de TVA.
Frais d'expédition vers le Luxembourg
Tax-free delivery to Luxembourg
Shipment to Luxembourg is free of VAT if we have a valid VAT number (No. TVA / BTW-Nr.). Otherwise, we have to charge 19% VAT.
Shipping costs to Luxembourg
For orders of €800 or more, we deliver free of charge. For every additional €800 in sales, we send another parcel free of postage, i.e. from €1600 you receive two parcels free of postage, and from €2400 three parcels.
If the net order value is less than €800, postage and packing costs are €13.90 per parcel. The maximum weight per parcel is 31.5 kg, which corresponds to approximately 25 - 28 kg of merchandise. For original salt cartons, 24 kg can be sent per parcel.