Infos pays Royaume-Uni / Country Information Great Britain
Livraison hors taxe
L'expédition vers le Royaume-Uni se fait hors taxe.
Données douanières
Vous recevrez avec la livraison une facture sur laquelle figureront tous les articles avec le numéro de tarif douanier correspondant, le poids, la valeur et le pays d'origine. Le dédouanement est effectué par DHL. Alternativement, nous pouvons envoyer la marchandise commandée à une agence de douane de votre choix sans indication de dédouanement.
Frais d'expédition
Tax-free Delivery
Shipment to Great Britain is without value added tax (VAT).
Customs data
You will receive an invoice with the delivery, listing all items with the corresponding customs tariff number, weight, value and country of origin. Customs clearance is handled by DHL. Alternatively, we can send the goods ordered to a customs office of your choice without customs clearance.
Shipping costs
For orders of €800 or more, we deliver carriage paid. For each additional €800 of sales, we send another parcel free of shipping costs, i.e. from €1600, you receive two parcels free of shipping costs. From €2400, you receive three parcels.
If the net order value is less than €800, postage and packing costs are €19.90 per parcel.
The maximum weight per parcel is 31.5 kg, which corresponds to approximately 25 - 28 kg of merchandise. For original Salz cartons, 24 kg can be sent per parcel.
Exceptions are so-called Remote-Areas, for which a surcharge of €17.50 per parcel is added to the shipping costs.