The program on all four days of the Summer Sale 2022:
Continuous consultations, demonstrations and opportunities to try out the wellness products for yourself. Incl. impulse stone pulling!
11.00 - 11.15h
Free fascia with the PHOENIX wings
Monika Grundmann and Tina Burk (Gemstone Balance®)
13.00 - 13.15h
Powerful, moving gemstone songs "live"
Susanne Waldfahrer & Georg J. Scheidl (Soul Power - Sun Sound).
15.00 - 15.15h
Color and sound with stone circle blankets & gemstone pillows
Monika Grundmann and Susanne Waldfahrer (Gemstone Balance®)
17.00 - 17.15h
Fables, stories, fairy tales about the stones of the Gemstone Balance®
HP Susanne Waldfahrer (gemstone therapy)
All demonstrations and consultations are free of charge; however, the teams of Edelstein-Balance® in the Wellness Tent and Mineral Shop Marco Schreier will be happy to receive your generous donation for the benefit of Ukraine Aid of Manara e.V.
Monika Grundmann: Gemstone Balance®
.The beautiful German word "begreifen" describes a process of entirely experiencing an object, which Monika Grundmann would like to especially encourage you to do with gemstones: touch your stones, deal with them. Let them speak to you through different senses and observe how touched stones can touch us, can move us, can support and accompany us in working through the issues that are important to us with their very own impulses. The motto "Beauty through touch" was created this way and stands for the quiet but steady, encouraging voices from the realm of noble stones. Listen along!
With Marco Schreier Monika Grundmann connects a long-standing friendship, which in many conversations about the Lapis Vitalis®products.
More about the internationally successful concept of gemstone balance® on the homepage of gemstone-balance
Susanne Waldfahrer and Georg J. Scheidl: SeelenKraft Sonnenklang
.The artists about their music:
"All our songs are our children being born - usually Susanne writes the lyrics, and Georg feels what the stones and lyrics do to him and so feels his way into a melody. The magic of stones accompanies us both for very many years. Susanne had already before our project, as a healer learned the stone massage training of Monika Grundmann, and Georg has already many decades of experience with the healing power of stones collected as a shaman. When we started our stone-song-project
the keepers of the stones contacted us - with very specific ideas and wishes. But to the point they said: "Forget everything you know about the stones so far.
We will give you the info on how we want to be seen in your songs!"
Naturally, we were now faced with the challenge of "Which stones do we take? There are countless stones that would all be wonderful to make songs about!" So we teamed up with our lseven friend Monika Grundmann
and selected the stones used in the treatment method she teaches, as the system is absolutely coherent for us."
More about the music of Susanne and Georg on the homepage of SeelenKraft Sonnenklang