Alexandersalz with innovative design!
What is salt?
Salt is basically a very simple compound of two elements. Sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) are present in the salt exactly in the quantity ratio 1:1. Both elements are among the "Top Twelve" of rocks: Sodium, with a share of 2.6%, holds sixth place and chlorine, with 0.2%, eleventh place in the order of abundance. This means that in 93 natural elements, sodium and chlorine occur relatively frequently. Accordingly, their compound, salt, is not at all rare. Salt is water-soluble, its main proportion is therefore found in dissolved form in the world's oceans. If the oceans were to dry up completely, they would leave behind an enormous amount of salt: the entire dried-up ocean floor, i.e. 70% of the earth's surface, would then be covered with a 60 m thick crust of dried-up substances - and 47.5 m of this alone would consist of salt! An unimaginable amount.
What distinguishes Alexander's salt?
Alexander the Great first had this valuable natural crystal salt transported from the Himalayas to Europe in about 350 BC, in ancient times it was reserved only for the gods and the emperors.
As crystal salt, for baths, washes, massages, oral hygiene and the like, Alexander salt is particularly suitable due to its naturalness. Alexander salt is mined gently, mined, crushed and left in its natural state. In the kitchen, it has quickly become indispensable for many users as a valuable, spicy Salt for Cooking. We carry Alexander salt at wholesale prices in various sizes and packaging, so that the right product is available for every use.
In times of refined industrial salt with various additives and sea salt polluted by fine plastic and other residues, fossil salt, which was deposited many millions of years ago, is becoming increasingly important for a balanced and healthy diet. The nnatural rock salt from the Salt Range in Punjab, Pakistan, which we offer under the name "Alexander Salt" introduced by Gerold Bölts, is particularly popular and known for its excellent, mildly salty taste as well as the beautiful pink color, which is due to natural iron admixtures. Lapis Vitalis® Alexander Salt has been quarried with the utmost care in the salt domes of the Salt Range. The mined salt is then sorted with a lot of manual work, washed, ground to different grain sizes, controlled and bottled. We provide you with only pure, natural crystal salt without iodization or other additives.
Where does salt come from?
Salt is a sediment. Its components - sodium and chlorine- were bound up in other minerals and rocks long ago. They were dissolved out of these by weathering and washed away by the water. Since sodium and chlorine are very soluble, the salts (ions, Na+ and CI-) remain in the water when it flows through streams and rivers. Thus, all waters constantly contribute new salt to the great lakes, seas and oceans. But while the water evaporates to find its way back to its sources as clouds and rain, the salt remains in bodies of water with no outflow. It cannot evaporate. Therefore, it accumulates until the solubility of the water can no longer hold the salt. It precipitates and settles as a solid crust. This type of formation is called "chemical sedimentation" because substances of different origins now form a chemically recomposed rock.
Salt deposits in Pakistan
One of the oldest salt deposits in the world is the Salt Range in Pakistan, a mountainous area consisting of small plateaus and basins in Punjab province, south of Islamabad. From here comes the salt that is sold today as"Himalayan" or "Hunza salt". This salt, which is up to 540 million years old, was formed in the Cambrian period, an interesting time when an enormous variety of living creatures suddenly populated the earth. Perhaps therefore the misunderstanding comes, the so-called "Himalaya salt" originates from that primeval sea, in which the life originated. That was however 3 billion years earlier. In relation to the earth history salt rocks are relatively "young". If we compare the age of the Earth (4.5 billion years) with a calendar year, life arose at the end of March (3.5 billion years ago), the oldest salt only in mid-November.
How is salt mined?
How salt is mined plays an important role in the preservation of its natural properties. There are now - depending on the conditions at hand - a whole range of ways to extract salt for a variety of purposes.
The historical salt extraction:
Historically, the salt extraction belongs to the first "technical achievements" of mankind. Of course, it was first accessible to people where it comes to light openly. In addition to extraction in salt lakes, whose salt crusts are directly accessible, salt boiling in particular played an important role. Sea water or the brine (salt solution) of saline springs was heated in brew pans until all the water evaporated and the dried salt remained. Salines, facilities for salt extraction by evaporation or evaporation of salt water from the Stone Age are found in Europe on the coasts of the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, as well as inland at Schwäbisch Hall and Bad Nauheim, among others. Finally, in the Bronze Age, mining of salt began where the salt was found in salt domes or just below the earth's surface. Salt mining of this kind, e.g. at Hallstatt in the Salzkammergut, shaped an entire cultural epoch - the so-called "Hallstatt period" from 1200 to 400 BC. With the further development of mining in the following 2000 years, more and more salt deposits were mined until this type of salt mining finally outweighed salt boiling by far. This laid the foundations that still characterize salt mining today.
Mining means that the salt is extracted in solid form underground. This is done by driving tunnels into the salt rock and blasting the solid rock. This method is the most common and most productive in the world. By the way: blasting is always used! The claim that the salt of certain mines is extracted exclusively by hand either shows ignorance or is targeted marketing to justify high prices. To win salt in the mine only by hand would be nothing else than laborious, bad and health-damaging slave work! It is already curious that this sober fact is not considered, if in nostalgic transfiguration with the "particularly valuable, purely manually won crystal salt" is advertised. At this point, we heartily recommend a visit to the salt mine to set the facts straight. Where actually a lot of manual labor is done is in the further processing of the salt in the mining areas of the Third World. While in technically highly equipped plants in the industrialized nations, the mining, transport, crushing, grinding, sorting, weighing and packaging of the salt is largely automated, this is done, for example, in salt mining in the Salt Range, Pakistan, almost exclusively by hand. In the actual mining in the tunnel, however, is also blasted here!So there is no "mined" by hand, but only by hand "processed" salt.
The text listed includes excerpts from the book "SALT - Food, Remedy or Poison" by Michael Gienger and Gisela Glass
DEVELOPMENT: sedimentary as evaporation rocks in shallow seas or salt lakes, which can become large deposits and salt domes by subsequent overburdening
COLOR, GLOSS: colorless, white, pink, orange, blue, brown to black, vitreous luster
SPELLABILITY: excellent fissility, brittle
IMAGE: cube-shaped crystals, sometimes skeletal growth, but more often coarse crystalline to fine-grained masses
USES: Salt is an important food and preservative, but also a technical raw material. Stone healing uses Halite to dissolve attachments in thought and behavior patterns, as protection and to purify the atmosphere of a room (salt crystal lamps).
Halite promotes a sense of order and analytical thinking in Virgo-born people and brings structure in life to Scorpio and Pisces-born people.
Availability: good