Ear Hooks, Silver Pins, Ear Nuts and other Findings made of Silver 925 are the "ingredients" for self-made Ear Hangers and Earstuds. Ear jewelry is an excellent complement for your necklaces, pendants and bracelets made of gemstones, because so can be designed from single or a few remnant beads very ...
Ear Hooks, Silver Pins, Ear Nuts and other Findings made of Silver 925 are the "ingredients" for self-made Ear Hangers and Earstuds. Ear jewelry is an excellent complement for your necklaces, pendants and bracelets made of gemstones, because so can be designed from single or a few remnant beads very cheap ear jewelry itself and allow you additional sales.
In addition to the classic elements such as pins and hooks, we also carry unusual Leverbacks made of silver 925 as well as fuses for Earstuds and as spare parts the counterparts to Earstuds.
Chili Creative Tip: Give your customer who has purchased a beautiful gemstone necklace a pair of matching earrings made from the leftover stones from the strand.