Your specialized wholesaler importer and manufacturer. Since 1981. Own production in Asia


Spring in-house exhibition 2024 in the mineral wholesale trade

March 18, 2024: Thank you for your visit and your donation!


Many thanks to all visitors to the spring in-house exhibition who donated to the Honduras project!

In October 2023, the first training sessions for the next generation of grinders took place at the cooperative in Honduras. The first steps towards a successful future have been taken,
more will follow. Training courses in sanding and further processing are also planned for 2024 in order to carry out as many processing steps as possible and thus create value locally.

Thanks to your donations, a total of €1130.14 was raised at the spring in-house exhibition. Many thanks - also on behalf of the association and the cooperative in


March 15, 2024: Impressions from the first day of the fair


Great amethyst selection!


Lots to discover!


Concentrated work at the jewelry design workshops


Exciting information on gemstone healing from Monika Grundmann


The food truck team cooks and grills for you - vegan, vegetarian and with meat!

March 14, 2024 9.00 a.m:



March 13, 2024: Closing time for today!


Everything is ready - the house and tents are well filled with the numerous goods received in recent weeks.

We're calling it a day and look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Don't have a ticket for the in-house exhibition yet?

Book your ticket easily and free of charge


March 13, 2024: The large selection is ready







March 12, 2024: It gets colorful in the tent


Amethyst Points in various shapes and qualities


Rose Quartz Points (Crystal Tower)


Freeforms made from blue calcite

And the set-up continues outside the large tent too:



March 11, 2024: We start black and white!


The tent slowly fills up:

We start black and white! Black Obsidian and beautiful earth keepers made of Rock Crystal, plus the first Amethyst items.

More on this tomorrow!




March 08, 2024: Now it's getting serious!


The incoming goods department is being unpacked, the house is being filled and things are also getting underway in the front courtyard:

Our trusted partner Fischer Zeltverleih has started setting up the in-house exhibition tents. As soon as these are up, we will continue with the "interior design" so that everything is ready on Thursday morning.


March 07, 2024: Greetings from Haifeng


These fantastic Tumbled Stones made of yellow Lace Agate come from our own grinding shop in Haifeng. In Haifeng, we have raw materials processed into Tumbled Stones, Smooth Stones, donuts and more.

You can get a small insight into the production at the in-house exhibition in the annex - there we show a video that was recorded in our grinding shop.



March 06, 2024: cherry blossoms at last :-)


Long awaited, finally arrived: The current situation has forced the large shipment of goods from China to take a long detour - after almost two months at sea, the pallets have finally arrived!

Eagerly awaited: cherry blossoms in the form of chalcedony inclusions in Agate as bracelets, strands, Tumbled Stones and donuts!



March 01, 2024: Spring can come!


Just arrived: new gemstone jewelry in silver and gold-plated silver - matching white Labrodorite (white) and Larimar for spring, timelessly beautiful Ammolite and Ammonite



February 29, 2024: Even more new goods!


While the container from China is still a long time coming, more goods from Brazil arrived sooner than expected today.

We joined forces to immediately start unpacking and labeling amethyst handpieces and other treasures - more on this next week!



February 28, 2024: small renovation on the second floor


In preparation for the in-house exhibition, the sales room on the second floor was redesigned a little today.

This gives us even more space for Monika Grundmann's popular open house presentations! The topics at the spring in-house exhibition:

11 a.m.: Aventurine - the anti-stress stone

3 p.m.: Four vampires - one solution!

The lectures and the entire in-house exhibition are exclusively for our specialist trade customers

Register now as a trade customer here


February 28, 2024: 3387 bracelets


While one half of the incoming goods department is almost finished unpacking the Madagascar shipment, the other half is indulging in Amber. Today, 3387 Amber bracelets were unpacked and prepared for sale. Button bracelets, sliver bracelets and more made from natural Baltic Amber at super bargain prices - we bought the stock from a warehouse liquidation and are passing on the low purchase prices to you!


February 27, 2024: Small fine treasures


Over 18,000 different items are currently listed in our webshop - so why come to the in-house exhibition anyway?

The answer to this question is simple: not every item in our range can be found in the webshop - sometimes only a very small quantity is available, such as these beautiful Corner Stones made of Smoky Quartz.

And of course, the selection at the in-house exhibition is much larger than online - there is a lot to discover on around 1000m² in the house and numerous special sales areas!

February 26, 2024: It's all set!


There's always something new to discover: Rock Crystal plates!

The dishes from the food truck aren't quite as classy, but that doesn't detract from the taste. The team from"Gasthaus zum Leo" from Buchen in the Odenwald spoils you with fried chicken, Allgäu cheese dumplings (vegetarian) and chili sin carne (vegan).

February 23, 2024: Even more treasures


It's almost a bit boring, you'd think - if the treasures from the gemstone island of Madagascar weren't so varied!

Especially when unpacking and labeling: Inclus quartz points and Tourmaline (black) protective crystals in various sizes


February 22, 2024: Amber, lots of Amber!


We received a lot of Amber jewelry from a company liquidation: Necklaces in various lengths, amber bracelets and, finally, amber bead strands again.

Be quick - with the attractive wholesale prices, the limited quantities of some items will be sold out quickly!

The affordable Amber jewelry and the entire in-house exhibition is open exclusively for our trade customers.

Register here now as a trade customer


February 21, 2024: Lecture topics by Monika Grundmann are fixed!


11 am: Aventurine - the anti-stress stone

Aventurine and anti-stress - the two have more in common than just the same initial letter! The day was good, the project was successfully launched, everyone is happy. But it was also quite exhausting!
Find out the message of the green Aventurine from Monika Grundmann: What does me good and is positive for me, what causes stress? How can I achieve more light-heartedness and relaxation, free myself from burdens and enjoy what I have achieved so far?

In the lecture you will receive a few short applications for yourself or for your customers and as a gift a description for an "Aventurine Weekend"


3 p.m.: Four vampires - one solution!

Once again there is sooo much to do, a lot to get done and the news is no fun at the moment. When everything gets too much again, there are four different ways to react: tense up, duck away, run away, boot up the system. However, this turns the problem into a vampire that devours energy and won't leave us alone.

During the lecture, Monika Grundmann will demonstrate various ways to banish the "vampires" and live in inner and outer balance again. The individual exercises can be practiced immediately during the lecture! A written reminder is provided after the lecture so that the exercises can also be shown in the store or carried out in practice.


February 20, 2024: Almost like Christmas...


It's a bit like Christmas in the incoming goods department at the moment: Unpacking, unpacking lots of boxes and cartons!

Today, beautiful Tumbled Stones were revealed . a fantastic mix of natural Citrine and Smoky Quartz!


February 19, 2024: Is it Easter already?


Easter is still five weeks away, but it looks like the first Easter chicks have hatched in our incoming goods department and left their shells behind...

In fact, it is black Septarian eggs that are currently coming to light from the Madagascar shipment. Bizarre shapes, sparkling black crystals - Easter eggs with a difference!

The in-house exhibition is open exclusively to our wholesale customers. Not yet a customer?

Register here as a trade customer



February 16, 2024: Get creative!


Take advantage of the in-house exhibition and learn basic techniques for Bead stringing and jewelry design in short workshops! Threading bracelets on Elastic Cord, an introduction to the crimping technique and bending eyelets for pendants and earrings are just some of the topics covered in the creative courses.

All techniques are easy to learn and can be used immediately to make your own creations, fulfill customer wishes and carry out small repairs yourself.

Time: 10 am - 12 pm and 2 pm - 4 pm on all four days of the in-house exhibition

Price: 9 €/course (incl. material for a complete piece of jewelry)

Location: Cafeteria in the seminar house

Registration: not necessary - just come along and get started!


February 15, 2024: Labradorite from Madagascar


Nowhere else in the world can you find such beautiful labradorite as in Madagascar! That's why we bought the colorful iridescent gemstone there in various forms: One side polished piece, freeform, jumbo Tumbled Stone, Smooth Stone and mineral flat.

But why does labradorite actually shimmer so colorfully?

You can find the answer here


February 14, 2024: Collect points in the mole savings book!


Don't forget to add it to your shopping list for the spring in-house exhibition: The Mole Savings Book! You can collect points in direct sales and receive a merchandise credit for a full savings book - and in November we'll also be giving away shopping vouchers!

More information about the Mole savings book


February 12, 2024: Monika Grundmann is coming!


Take the opportunity to find out about current topics in stone healing at the spring in-house exhibition ! At 11 am and 3 pm there will be an exciting lecture with many tips from three decades of practicing stone healing. Details will follow shortly.

The lectures and the entire in-house exhibition are exclusively for our specialist trade customers

Register now as a trade customer here


February 08, 2024: Madagascar is here!


The shipment from Madagascar has finally arrived! There are still pallets of boxes everywhere and they are being sorted. But we have already discovered a first beautiful novelty : Large Palmstones from Septarian



February 06, 2024: Titanium quartz - top or bottom?


Opinions differ on the colorful iridescent titanium quartz: some love the titanium-coated Rock Crystal and sell it very well, for others it is out of the question and definitely not in the store. Decide for yourself - as an alternative, we have also received Points made of amethyst and Rose Quartz.


February 5, 2024: Batik jasper and more novelties from Indonesia


The new gemstones from Indonesia are as colorful and diverse as the masks of the Balinese Leo! A small selection is already available in the webshop, more jewelry innovations will be available at the in-house exhibition.


February 2024: A ton of Rock Crystal!


Arrived from Brazil: Over a ton of Rock Crystal as Points (polished and rough), Clusters and many other popular shapes.

You will find the new items in the large tent in the front courtyard at the in-house exhibition. The popular Rock Crystal steps for charging are also available again and can be ordered via the webshop.