Amazonite - Meaning, effect and application
Turquoise green Amazonite is a good companion in stormy days, such as the beginning of autumn. Amazonite promotes the realization that external circumstances have an impact on us, but we can still take our destiny in our own hands. The stone supports it to bring mind and intuition in line and thus solve problems constructively. The confidence in our knowledge and abilities is strengthened, so that we can clearly recognize contradictions and conflicts and then resolve them.
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Mineralogical profile Amazonite
Chemical formula: K(AlSi3O8)
Mineral class: framework silicate, feldspar family
Formation: Forms magmatically in pegmatites, but is also found in crystalline schists due to metamorphism of such pegmatites.
Color: green, bluish green, turquoise; see below for details
Gloss: nacreous luster, vitreous luster
Crystal system: triclinic
Mohs hardness: 6 to 6.5
Cleavability: perfect cleavability, uneven fracture
Localitiesr: China, Brazil (in the pegmatites of Minas Gerais), Peru, India, Namibia, Madagascar, Russia (strong green stones from the Kola Peninsula; unfortunately only very difficult to obtain), USA (famous finding points. in Colorado). The quarries are relatively rare and numerically not to compare with other stones, but are partly only very limited accessible.
Appearance: columnar, also thick tabular crystals, frequent twinning, crystals from fissures often areal, otherwise as coarse, partly quite large cleaved pieces.Till quite large cleavage pieces in late and granular aggregates
Use: As jewelry and gemstone in the trade; already in the Neolithic period Amazonite was used as a gemstone
Historical facts about Amazonite
The use of Amazonite goes back to the ancient Egyptians, who already 5000 BC made amulets, inlays and beads from this stone. In the famous death mask of Tutankhamun is next to lapis lazuli, carnelian and quartz also Amazonite. In the royal tombs of Ur from the Sumerian period (3800 BC), Amazonite beads were found. Also the pre-Columbian Indian tribes of the Tumaco-Tolita culture (approx. 300 - 500 A.D.) appreciated Amazonite and made jewelry and cult objects from it.
Wholesale assortment of Amazonite necklaces, Tumbled Stones and gemstone strands
Name Amazonite and Synonyms
The mineral got its name from the Amazon River or the Amazon people: The explorer Alexander von Humboldt found a mysterious green stone among the indigenous people on the Rio Negro, which was initially called "Amazon stone" or "Amazon stone" was called. Although the stone that von Humboldt brought back from South America was Nephrite, soon various green stones were called Amazon stone (or Amazonite). Nowadays, the name "Amazonite" is used to refer to a Feldspar colored green by lead.
Synonyms for Amazonite are: Amazonite, amazon stone, amazon jade, green Feldspar, Crimean spar.
Variants of Amazonite Color
In its appearance, Amazonite occurs from homogeneous pale blue-green to intense turquoise blue to grass green. Characteristic are fine light stripes that run through the stone. The Findings responsible for the green color are lead, natural earth radiation and water molecules. For a long time, it was assumed that the color-giving element was Copper, but this has been disproved by the latest research. Basically, "Amazonite" is used to describe a Feldspar colored green by lead. Depending on the exact chemical composition and the interaction of lead, water and natural radioactive earth radiation. From Russia comes the longest commercially known Amazonite with white veins of segregated Feldspar, the so-called perthite cords.
Wholesale assortment of Amazonite necklaces, Tumbled Stones and gemstone strands
Amazonite effects used in gemstone healing
Amazonite has a balancing and calming effect and can counteract large emotional up and down movements. Blockages caused by difficult life circumstances can be dissolved, so that a balanced basic attitude can be achieved.
Control over one's own life is strengthened, contradictions and conflicts are reduced by improving intuition, head and stomach, brain and heart are brought into harmony. Thus, a passive, accepting attitude can be overcome. Energetically it shields the aura and stabilizes the etheric body. To best utilize the protective properties of Amazonite, necklaces, pendants with silver settings or pierced stones, and bracelets made of Amazonite are suitable. Amazonite's calming and balancing aura lends itself well to massage applications. Unlike other polished precious stones, however, it is extremely difficult to get massage pens or balls from Amazonite to get. However, larger smooth cut Tumbled Stones are a good alternative.
Be careful: Amazonite as a Water Stone!
Because of its lead content, the Amazonite is only conditionally suitable as a Water Stone. In August 2020, the Institute for Gemstone Testing (EPI), under the direction of Dipl.-Mineraloge Bernhard Bruder, investigated the possible dangers of Amazonite as a Water Stone. We therefore recommend that you refrain from placing it directly in water and instead use the test tube method or the introduction with crystals for the production of Amazonite gemstone water.
Chakra and astrological association of Amazonite
The Amazonite is assigned to the heart chakra, astrologically it fits well withCancer and Virgo. Stephan Bergmann and Frank Girulat describe in their card set "Stone Beings in the Medicine Wheel" (Verlag Neue Erde) the nature of Amazonite as gentle and friendly. The stone helps to turn to own topics and the action necessary for it and to express itself thoughtfully. The motto of the Amazonite is: "With inner laughter I turn to my own essence. I turn to my own essence."
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Original finding place of Amazonite in Russia
Although there are now other localities for the mineral, the Amazonite with its characteristic bright pertite strings from the original locality in Russia is still considered by connoisseurs to be the most beautiful Amazonite. The locality lies in the Ploskaya region in the western Keivy Massif (Lovozersky District, Murmansk Oblast, Kola Peninsula). The deposits there are quite large; however, problems with mining and transportation arise from the location on the Arctic Circle. The area was not explored in detail until the 1930s, but even today there are only a few towns and transport links. Residents are currently pinning their hopes on one of the world's northernmost botanical gardens and the northernmost ski area in Europe will provide for the revitalization of the region.
Due to its geographic location in the Far North, the Amazonite discovery site area is often very cold; on average, there are only half of the year temperatures above freezing. The mining of the mineral and its further transport are therefore very laborious and in some, especially cold years, not possible at all. Depending on the course of the winter, in which temperatures of almost -40° are reached in record years, the often only one-track railway has to be repaired or rebuilt in parts after the snow melts in May or June.