Lama Tendar - help that arrives!
Who is known by the gemstone mandala in the Osterholz also among our customers Lama Tendar is not only active as a spiritual teacher, but dedicates part of his time and strength to the support of the weakest in society. A special concern for Lama Tendar is the help for a group of about 300 exiled Tibetans, who have fled their homeland and now live in the "Tibetian Refugee Holy Cave Manali Tashijon" in Rewalsar in northern India; these are mainly families with young children, young people and elderly nuns and priests.
December 2022
Thanks to your generosity, we were again able to hand over a considerable sum for Lama Tendar this year: A total of 4049.07 € for needy Tibetans in exile has been collected.
Through a Tibetan family living in Ludwigsburg, we were already able to forward the money to Lama Tendar unbureaucratically and without high international bank fees.
July 2021
We are overwhelmed!
The Summer Sale raised a total of €2044.57!
Through a Tibetan family living in Ludwigsburg, we were already able to forward the money to Lama Tendar unbureaucratically and without high international bank fees. The disbursement to the local people, all of whom Lama Tendar knows personally, has been already begun.
And as announced: We have doubled the amount!
Thank you for your donation at the Summer Sale.
June 2021
We continue to urgently need your help! Already 40 people within the social projects that Lama Tendar is in charge of have died from Corona. There is a lack of necessities, such as respirators and basic medical care. Therefore, please donate abundantly during the Summer Sale through the donation pots that are placed everywhere. Thank you very much! We will double every euro donated.
March 2021
Under the slogan "Bags for Lama Tendar" we provided sturdy recyclable tote bags so that you could safely transport your purchases home during the Spring Sale 2021. In return we asked you to make a donation to LamaTendar's humanitarian work. And as before, we will match every euro donated by our customers!
Thank you for your donation! The Spring Sale raised a total of €711.24; we will double this amount and forward a total of €1422.48 to Lama Tendar in the next few days.
December 2020
The money has been transferred to India and has been disbursed to the seven people. Thank you so much for your support! Medical care is so important, especially during the cold season when, in addition to the current Corona situation, the usual Winter diseases threaten.
November 16, 2020
To kick off the campaign, we set up large donation pots at the Christmas Sale in November. A total of € 555.24 was collected - also thanks to a larger individual donation. We have doubled this amount, so that with 1110,48 € the first step is done! Many thanks to all customers who have donated during the Christmas Sale! Your money will benefit these seven exiled Tibetans in India:
Tsering Dorjee (Lama), Rewalsar.
Mipham Chodar, Rewalsar
Chungdak, Rewalsar
Sonam Lhamo, Rewalsar
Yeshi Tsultim (nun), Rewalsar
Mingyur Dolma, Mandi
Dokpa Chordal, Rewalsar
But our fundraising goal of € 4200.00 is far from being reached!
November 2020
From India we received a call for help from Lama Tendar. Originally for the summer 2020 in the context of the 2nd Osterholz Festival again a large donation appeal was planned. Due to the Corona pandemic, the festival could not be take place; likewise numerous other events have been cancelled at which Lama Tendar would have asked for donations.
The need is therefore great for the fled Tiber in Indian exile - so we ask you now for your support: For these seven people is very currently needed money for medical care. Per person this is about 50€ per month. In order to secure the supply with medicines for one year, thus
7 x 50 x 12 = 4200 €
is needed.
How can you help?
In order to pass on your donation in full to the people in need without deduction for international bank transfers and other administrative fees, we have decided on the following procedure:
You transfer your donation to an account in Germany; we will be happy to provide you with the bank details for this. We pass the money on to a Tibetan woman in exile who lives in Germany. She transfers the money free of charge to India, where it is paid to Lama Tendar. will be paid.
We are in constant contact with Lama Tendar - be it by phone, email or WhatsApp and will keep you updated on what happens with your donation.
Help for Tibetans in exile in India
For the attendance of the school - important basis for a self-determined life from own strength - often lacks the money. With 45,000 rupees (about 570 €) per year can be for a child the complete school education, ie books, notebooks, pens, a simple uniform and school fees, are paid.
Uprooting from their homeland and separation from family and friends are additional burdens for the refugees; their legal status is also uncertain, as India still has no legal provisions for refugees. This makes it difficult for refugees to find a job; in addition, their difficult situation is often exploited by employers and only very low wages are paid. Medical care is also usually not provided.
Further support projects of Lama Tendar are the monastery Tashijon and the nunnery Manali, where mainly money for medical treatments of the old nuns and monks, but often also for food and drink is missing.
Lama Tendar, who himself was brought to India as a young child by his mother from the Kham region (eastern Tibet) via the Himalayas, has been associated with Tibetian Refugee Holy Cave and its residents for many decades, and during his travels collects Donations for the people of his new home Rewalsar. Lectures, meditations and other spiritual teachings are basically free of charge for the participants, combined with the wish of Lama Tendar to be able to take as many donations as possible back to India.
The association "Licht für Tibet e.V." also offers the possibility to take over sponsorships for individual people. Here, too, there is a need for action, since due to unemployment and changes in the family situation of the sponsors, some are no longer able to support "their" refugee. Also, 100% of the money from the sponsorships goes to the people on site; the costs for the annual trip to India are borne privately by the respective association members.
Summer 2019: Lama Tendar to visit Ludwigsburg
At the First Osterholz Festival, there was an opportunity to participate in various meditations and learn exercises in mindfulness with Lamar Tendar. This offer was free of charge, but certainly not in vain - both for one's own spiritual development and thanks to numerous donations for the Tibetan refugees. So a total of 3888 € for the social work of Lama Tendar were donated. For this we would like to thank - also in the name of Lama Tendar - all customers, visitors and co-exhibitors who made this large amount possible!
To avoid administrative costs, Lama Tendar personally took the donations to India and exchanged them for rupees there. In early August, the disbursement to Tibetans in exile in need of support began. Depending on the family status and personal situation, between 5000 and 10,000 rupees were paid out. With this amount, which is equivalent to about 65 to 130 €, the standard of living of the people can be significantly improved : A kilo of rice costs approx. 1€, a kilo of potatoes about 50 cents. The disbursement of the money entrusted to him has been meticulously documented by Lama Tendar; only a small part has been used for travel expenses to the various projects. Lama Tendar - help that arrives at the people!