Our loyalty discount system - your advantage!
You will receive your personal loyalty discount for the current year based on your net sales in the respective previous year.
Your current status and net sales from the current year can be seen on every webshop page when logged in.
So your net sales from 2025 will determine your loyalty discount of 3%, 6%, 9% or 12% on all orders and purchases for the entire year of 2026 - regardless of the amount of each purchase!
The following discount levels are available:
The following discount levels are available:
Your Net Sales 2025 | Your Status 2026 | Your discount 2026 |
up to €1,499 | Agate Specialist |
€1,500 to €2,499 | Rock Crystal 3% loyalty discount. |
€2,500 to €4,999 | Silver 6% loyalty discount. |
5,000 € to 9,999 €. | Gold 9% loyalty discount. |
down 10,000 € |
Diamond 12% loyalty discount. |
Excluded from the loyalty discount are only articles from outside companies (eg farfalla, Sambol, VitaJuwel), CDs, DVDs, mineral cards, books and other printed products, Findings for jewelry design and other articles made of silver, incense and articles at special and promotional prices. The loyalty discount cannot be combined with other discounts, such as the 12% in-house trade show discount.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to advise you: 07141 - 44 12 33.
Ststart collecting now for your loyalty discount 2026 - every purchase counts!