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Prehnite - Bearing, effect and application

The delicate green prehnite supports us to pause for a moment in this lively time, when repressed images and memories from the depths come to light. Unpleasant realizations can be accepted easier to accept, so that we are ultimately strengthened and in our self more conscious from this time. The sometimes necessary analytical-sober sober way of looking at things is strengthened with the help of the stone, so that we are able to perceive the impressions from our environment faster and more differentiated to perceive.



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Mineralogical profile prehnite

Chemical formula: Ca2Al[(OH)2/AlSi3O10] + Fe,H2O

Mineral class: basic calcium aluminum mineral of the Alumo-layer silicates; prehnite belongs to the group of silicates and germanates.

Color: Colorless, white, gray, brownish, yellowish, green; the coloring mineral is iron. In the  trade are mainly the various shades of green available.

Gloss: glassy to greasy

Crystal system: rhombic

Mohs hardness: 6 to 6.5

Cleavability: along the base perfect, fracture: uneven

Localities: Australia, Germany (Palatinate), China, France (Dauphine), Great Britain (Scotland), CIS (Caucasus, Ural), India (Poona), Italy (Fassa Valley), Mexico, Namibia (Doros), Austria (Habachtal), South Africa, USA (New Jersey).

Formation: primary-hydrothermal as a Filling in fissures, druses, veins and bubble cavities of magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Prehnite forms only rarely short columnar, tabular crystals. Mostly the mineral occurs in kidney- or fan-shaped, radial-radiate, stalactitic, bulbous or spherical aggregates and as compact gangue fillings.

Prehnite may occur with Apatite, Brasilianite, Chrysoprase, Hemimorphite, Jade, Nephrite, Peridote, Serpentine, Stilbite and Wavellite. A distinction is possible by comparison of hardness and density resp. mineralogical examination. Prehnite, because of its visual similarity, is often mistakenly sold as Jade sold.

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Discovery and naming of Prehnite

The name prehnite goes back to the Dutch mineralogist Colonel Hendrik von Prehn (1733 - 1785), who at the end of the 18th century had brought the stone from the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa).  He had the specimens examined by German mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817), who recognized the stone as a new mineral and named it after Colonel von Prehn. and named it after Colonel von Prehn. Thus Prehnite is the first known mineral, which received its name after a person received.

The beautiful green translucent and shiny stone was still unknown and was first called emerald, but this was soon revoked because it had neither the hardness nor the incomparable color of the emerald. After it was later wrongly assigned to the Prase, the Peridote and even the Tourmaline, it was finally recognized in 1787 that it was a newly discovered, independent mineral. mineral.

Prehnite is also known by the trade names Cape chrysolite and Cape emerald; Meanwhile obsolete synonyms include aedelite, chiltonite, coupholite (koupholite), edelite, and triphanspate.


Usage of prehnite in gemstone healing

Prehnite helps to come clean with yourself and to accept yourself as you are, which also increases the Conflict readiness is increased. It brings moods and feelings to the surface of consciousness, which may subliminally influence thought and action by dissolving repression and avoidance mechanisms. Prehnite refreshes and soothes, preventing the constant accumulation of unfinished business.

He promotes the analytical mind and the receptiveness is increased. If one has the feeling of being taken advantage of, Prehnit helps to care more for themselves and to come clean with themselves.

To experience the effect of the Prehnit to be able to experience, it is worn as a pendant, ring, earrings or necklace with direct skin contact or as Tumbled Stone in the trouser pocket carried along. Also for the laying of a stone circle and for the meditation is suitable the green gemstone very well.

Depending on the coloring, prehnite works best on the solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra. Here one arranges the Specimens with yellow coloring more to the solar plexus, the green more to the heart chakra. Astrologically considered Prehnite fits especially to the signs Cancer, Libra and Sagittarius.

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