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Shungite - Meaning and bearing of a newcomer


Shungite accompanies us through turbulent time by its balancing and stabilizing effect. Old, outdated habits can be stripped off like an old skin and left behind. Without hesitation we can devote ourselves completely to today and tomorrow and realize our personal wishes and ideas. What turns out to be successful now will also enable us to have a materially stable good basis in the long run.

Mineralogical profile of Shungite

Chemical Formula: Elemental Carbon (C)

Mineral class: Natural elements

Formation:  Sedimentary coal rock, is formed by the incarbonation of algae in the digested sludge and is therefore also known as "algal coal"

Color, luster: Black, greasy, resinous, and sometimes almost metallic luster, dull as rock, often stains.

Crystal system: amorphous

Mohs hardness: 3.5 to 4

Cleavability: No splitability, conchoidal or granular-uneven fracture

Localities, main supply countries: Shun'ga region in Russia (Lake Onega in Karelia and at Lake Ladoga) and eastern Finland. Other places of discovery are Spain (Leon region) and India. Schungite is mostly found in areas, where oil shale also occurs. The schungite available in the trade as rough stones, Tumbled Stones, jewelry, etc. comes almost exclusively from the Shun'ga region, which also gave the schungite its name.


Appearance: Dark, compact coal in dense masses, very light and partly highly lustrous in almost pure state. Rather fine-grained dark gray than schungite-bearing claystone, partly with recognizable fine sedimentary layers.

Use: Shungite is used as a color pigment and is used as a substitute for activated carbon in filters. However, the latter is controversial, since the release of harmful hydrocarbons can not be ruled out, which is also with the use of shungite as a water stone (see below) to be considered. 

Synonyms: schungite, schungite charcoal, inostranzeff'sches schungite, algae charcoal

Shungite as tumbled stone, stinged bead, donut, pyramide and much more at wholesale prices

Shungite as stone for gemstone water

When preparing shungite water the initiation method or the test tube method, for example, with a Vitalstick, is the only useful production methods, because so no direct contact between the shungite stone and the water is given. Also well suited is the energizing of the water with the help of a shungite plate, on which the pitcher or the glass are placed.


Applications of shungite in gemstone healing

Shungite pyramids, spheres, plates and cubes of shungite have an energizing effect on working, living and sleeping areas. In addition to the energetic and decorative effect, objects made of shungite are often used as compensation against electromagnetic radiation and placed next to computers or laptops.

Shungite has become one of the most popular minerals in gemstone healing in recent years. On a spiritual level, it promotes the realization of intentions. Destructive thoughts and old habits can be let go more easily through shungite so that promising plans can be developed. It is used as an energetic protective stone that absorbs negative energies. Similar to rock crystal, shungite supports the effects of other healing stones.
Shungite also stimulates to make diverse and new experiences, to leave traditional paths and thus to realize personal wishes and plans. This can also create a stable material basis for the future. The mineral supports the balance of the inner contradictions and personality parts. Investments in the future, which can also mean momentary renunciation, are easier to plan and implement; Decisions, which lead to later successes, are supported.

Pyramids, spheres, plates, cuboids and cubes made of shungite are applied to energize working, living and sleeping areas. In addition to the energetic and decorative effect, objects made of shungite are often used as compensation against electromagnetic radiation and are placed next to computers or laptops. As a healing and jewelry stone, shungite is available in many varieties, for example, as a pendant, necklace, amulet, pocket stone, as a bracelet or gemstone mala. Shungite acts especially on the first, the root chakra. In astrology shungite is assigned to Saturn and Capricorn.

In industry, shungite is used, for example, as a color pigment, for the production of car tires and as a filler of filters.

Gemstone malas, spheres, cubes, hearts, pyramids and more shungite items at wholesale prices



Very special: nobel Shungite

Characteristic of the nobel shungite are the metallic luster, the conchoidal fracture and the extremely high carbon content. Only about 1% of the total shungite occurrence consists of nobel shungite. This occurs in maximum 40cm wide bands and must be must be mined laboriously by hand underground. Occasionally, reddish-brownish inclusions can be seen in the noble shungite; this is jarosite, an iron sulfate formed by oxidation of Pyrite.

Noble shungite is very difficult to work, as the mineral splinters easily. If it is drilled very carefully, it can be worn as a drilled pendant stone or provided with pin eyelet. Noble shungite, in contrast to shungite, cannot be cut ans polished in special shapes (eg, shungite pyramid, shungite spheres) .


Little sister, big brother of Shungite: coal, anthracite, jett

Related minerals of shungite are coal, anthracite and jett. All of these are composed mostly of carbon and are organic in origin. They differ in age and in the process of formation. With the shungite one assumes that it was formed in the Precambrian, about 600 million years ago, from decaying mud of marine algae.
Because of their very similar formation and composition, anthracite, jett are popularly used as alternatives in gemstone healing. Mainly, the amorphous coal rock is applied in situations where the improvement of the life circumstances from own strength is demanded. Disappointments can be overcome and burdensome things can be let go, so that confidence and trust can grow.


Shungite and Flower of Life

The "Flower of Life" is an ancient symbol and ornament whose use can be documented thousands of years ago. It is popularly combined with shungite products and imprinted on plates, pendants and pyramids in gold or silver color. The spiritual meaning of this symbol is that of a protective amulet, which is also used to energize water, to remove interference from rooms and to protect against electrosmog. Thus, the helpful properties of shungite complement those of the flower of life. those of the Flower of Life.

Historical and myths about shungite

Shungite (in other spelling also schungite) was named in 1880 by the Russian geologist Alexander Alexandrovich Inostrantsev (1843-1919) after the place where it was found, Shunga, on the west coast of Lake Onega. According to a Russian legend, Xenia Ivanovna, the mother of Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, fell ill with epilepsy. Peasants are said to have shown her a healing spring that gushed from a black stone (it was shungite). After drinking the water Xenia recovered from her illness and later gave birth to a healthy son - the future Tsar Mikhail I. At first, the shungite healing spring fell into oblivion. It was not until 100 years later, under Peter the Great (1672-1725), that it was rediscovered and used since then. The water is said to have extensive healing properties.