Your specialized wholesaler importer and manufacturer. Since 1981. Own production in Asia


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Questions? You can call us or visit our showroom!

You can reach our friendly customer service team at (+49) 7141 44 12 33 Monday to Friday from 9 am - 5 pm.

The large show room in Ludwigsburg is open on Wednesdays from 9.00 am - 7.30 pm and on Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 am - 5.00 pm. Experience treasures on over 10,000 m² of outdoor and indoor space! You can also register as a specialist retailer directly on site in Ludwigsburg. Simply bring your trade license with you on your first visit.

More information about wholesale sales exhibiton



Our house fairs take place four times a year and are exclusively for registered customers. You will find a greatly expanded selection of goods, promotional tents and co-exhibitors at our headquarter in Ludwigsburg. You will soon be registered and have the opportunity to visit these events. 

Save the date: House Fairs in Ludwigsburg


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We look forward to welcoming you soon to our professional network. Thanks to customers like you, Marco Schreier Mineralienhandlung has been in business for over 40 years!

See you soon in Ludwigsburg!

Yours, Marco Schreier