Discharging, cleaning and recharging gemstones
That treatment stones for wellness and massage applications, which are used consecutively for several customers, must be hygienically cleaned from skin residues and other contamination goes without saying. Also. only personally, self-used wellness stones such as the Yoni Egg must of course be cleaned and stored accordingly.
Gemstones and minerals store but through their use, for example, as a massage or Flat Stone also information, which is a kind of "energetic pollution". All jewelry stones, hand charms, pocket stones, and stones used for massage and wellness have this "invisible ballast"attached to them from previous uses and the environment in which the stone was located.
Recorded information is quite perceptible in stones! Who would want to be treated with a stone to which information is still attached by the previous use! Therefore, a cleaning on a spiritual and energetic level is indispensable. To free the stones from adhering foreign information, in practice proven cleaning methods are available.
Mechanical-material cleaning
When you have acquired a new stone, it should first be thoroughly cleaned and washed. The simplest and very effective method for unloading stones is running water. Hold the stone under the water stream for at least one minute under the water jet and rub vigorously the surface. Gradually, as you do this, the resistance increases and the movement of your fingers on the surface slows down. This indicates that the stone is discharged and thus a part of the immaterial pollution has already been removed.
For heavy soiling, use a biological detergent or a biological washing lotion and brush the stone. Caution. Water-soluble stones, such as Halite and Ulexite, must not be subjected to this treatment, of course. For opals, avoid cleaning agents as they can alter the water content responsible for opalescence and make the stone dull and cloudy.
Energetic cleaning
By placing stones on an amethyst segment or inside an amethyst cathedral, foreign energies and information are gently cleared.
The most important things to clean on amethyst:
Rock crystal for cleaning and charging gemstones
After a thorough material cleansing, Rock Crystal tumbled stones or Rock Crystal charging stones are particularly well suited for regenerating and recharging intensively used stones. In principle, any Energy supply to the charging of a stone. Also ambient heat, sunlight or body heat donate new energy to the stone. When charging a stone, new foreign information often enters it. For example, when we warm it in our hands, it already absorbs a lot of information from us. For this reason, charging with Rock Crystal groups is often preferred.
Rock Crystal is a neutral quartz (of course, only if it is purified itself!), which always supports and strengthens the existing. It has long been known that Rock Crystal enhances the properties of other stones without altering them. In Unlike amethyst, however, Rock Crystal does not cause purification. Its information is quite neutral: "Be who you are!"
Also Hematite has an energetic cleansing effect on much used jewelry and wellness stones. To unload, simply place the stones on top of or cover them with a selection of Hematite tumbled stones or Hematite chips.
The cleaning with incense and other aromatic substances is an effective method known in virtually all cultures for the clarification and cleaning of rooms and objects. Incense supports any cleaning process and helps to clear even stones from adhering negative energies.
Cleaning gemstones with salt
Since salt cleansboth on the physical and energetic level, it is also suitable for cleaning and unloading stones. Placing stones in a water-salt solution is indeed suitable for quartz and insensitive minerals but some stones, such as opals, Turquoise and Amber will be damaged by such a salt bath. Much better is the indirect method. To do this, you put enough salt in a slightly larger bowl made of Glass or Ceramic (please, no plastic!), forms a hollow in the salt heap and puts in it a smaller vessel into which one puts the stone to be discharged, a chain or a piece of jewelry. This is protected from direct contact with the salt.
After leaving this arrangement for a few hours or overnight, the salt has gently released all energetic impurities from the stone. Our all-natural Alexander's salt is particularly well-suited for energetic cleansing.
Find more products on the topic of unloading, cleansing, recharging gemstones here.
Lapis Vitalis Tip:
Inform yourself in the inexpensive book "Reinigen, Aufladen Schützen" by Michael Gienger how you can prevent the transmission of unwanted foreign energies and information by healing stones with yourself and your clients can prevent. The book answers numerous questions, for example, how long and how often a stone should be discharged or cleansed and whether, for example, for individual types of stones from Amber to Rose Quartz special effects are to be considered when cleaning.
German book by Michael Gienger: "Reinigen, Aufladen, Schützen", ISBN: 978-3-89060-277-6
English version: "Purifying Crystals" ISBN: 978-1844091478