Stone of the Month June 2025: Zoisite Ruby - Meaning and bearing of a two-tone gemstone
Zoisite with Ruby supports us when we adapt too much and are determined by the outside.The own wishes and ideas come to light with the help of the stone clearer and can then be implemented with energy and creativity. If we are too much digressed by interruptions and detours, the Zoisite Ruby helps us back on our own way to the goals that we actually want to achieve.
In gemstone wellness, Zoisite with Ruby is popularly used because the mineral combines the effects of both components. The classic use of the stone are applications that promote regeneration as well as - due to the "love stone" Ruby - also the partner massage.
Zoisite items and wholesale prices: focal components, stringed beads, jewelry and much more
History of the discovery of zoisite
Zoisite is, mineralogically speaking, a late bloomer, because the mineral was found only at the end of the 18th century the first time in Carinthia / Austria and named after the mineral collector Karl Sigismund Zois. He had sent a team of mineral collectors to the neighboring Duchy of Kärtnten (Austria) around the turn of the century. From the Saualpe located there, the discoverers brought back a previously unknown mineral. Zois first named this mineral after the place where it was found "Saualpit" later the stone was named Zoisite in his honor. THE extensive mineralogical and geological collection of Zois can be seen today in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History in Ljubljana.
The blue variety of Zoisite is called Tanzanite and another name for Tanzanite occasionally found in retail as well as wholesale trade is Anyolite (derived from the Maasai word for green) for Zoisite with Ruby from Tanzanite.
Mineralogical profile of Zoisite
Chemical formula: Ca2Al3[O/OH/SiO4/Si2O7]
Mineral class: Group silicate
Formation: in the metamorphic alteration of basic igneous rocks to calc-silicate, greenschist or eclogite rocks
Color: gray, brown to greenish, due to chromium content íntensive green
Gloss: vitreous luster
Crystal system: rhombic
Mohs hardness: 6 to 6.5
Cleavability, fracture: perfect splitability, uneven fracture
Localities, main supplying countries: Tanzania
Appearance: mostly granular masses; also coarse, broad-stemmed, radiating aggregates; rarely only prismatic crystals, which are often stretched, bent, kinked and broken in the rock ingrown
Use: Zoisite is processed mainly as green, sometimes ruby-containing rock from Tanzania (anyolite) to jewelry and art objects.