Drilled Tumbled Stones are the classic among gemstone pieces. You will find assortment of popular gemstones from popular minerals with names from O (e.g. Onyx) to Z (e.g. Zoisite). As a mineral wholesaler we also carry rarities like seraphinite, phosphosiderite or stichtite.
Chili Creative Tip: With a Change Arc made of Silver ...
Drilled Tumbled Stones are the classic among gemstone pieces. You will find assortment of popular gemstones from popular minerals with names from O (e.g. Onyx) to Z (e.g. Zoisite). As a mineral wholesaler we also carry rarities like seraphinite, phosphosiderite or stichtite.
Chili Creative Tip: With a Change Arc made of Silver 925, a simple drilled Tumbled Stone becomes a precious Tumbled Stone Pendant. And once you have purchased a Change Arc, you will come back to your store or booth to buy more drilled Tumbled Stones!